Mindfulness To Go
Posted by Faith BarbutoThe peace corner is typically an integral part of my classroom. In it students can find items to touch, shake or squeeze to learn to regulate their changing emotions and calm themselves down. This year, with COVID precautions limiting how many communal spaces and objects are part of our day, I was left looking for a way to recreate this space for each student. Enter mindfulness to go bags – each child has a labeled bag to keep in his or her chair pouch for easy access. We have added sensory items like bubble wrap, peacock feathers and pom-poms to soothe us when we are upset. Students loved harvesting lavender from the Unquowa garden to create sachets we use for aromatherapy. We even created some for our teachers! A favorite activity was making calm down jars filled with glitter and special sequins to symbolize the people and places that make us feel safe. Each day after lunch we take out our yoga mats and bring a special item from our kit to relax ourselves. Sometimes we do calming yoga together. It is my goal to help students identify their feelings and find appropriate strategies to handle them. I believe it is the most important tool I can give them for a happy life!
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