A “Red Scare” Simulation
Posted by Ariel WarshawTo culminate our mini-unit on the Second Red Scare in America, 8th grade Humanities students participated in a dynamic activity that replicated the hysteria and unfounded accusations of the McCarthy Era. Those familiar with the party game “Mafia” were excited to engage in this different version. Most students were assigned the role of Citizen, and then 1 played Sen. Joseph McCarthy, 2 played members of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 1 played an FBI Agent, 1 played the Lawyer, and finally 2 were Communists (Alger Hiss and Julius Rosenberg). These were randomly decided by role playing cards. The goal was to figure out who the 2 communists were before they stole US secrets. This activity really highlighted the wild accusations and unjust methodology used at the time, and proved to be an incredibly engaging finale to our study of this era!
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