Unquowa UPA Fall Update
Posted by Jacqui MudreFrom our lovely first-day-of-school Welcome Coffee, on through the fall, the Unquowa Parents’ Association has been busy creating fun-filled gatherings for our wonderful Unquowa community.
The UPA hosted a Parents’ Night Out at Elicit Brewing Company in Fairfield, where the whimsical Cirque Kikasse performed. We sponsored the Upper School Fall Socials: fifth and sixth grade classes enjoyed an after-school DJ/dance party, and seventh and eighth grade students took to the ropes courses at the Discovery Museum’s Adventure Park.
The Community Service Committee held a Halloween Costume Drive to benefit nOURish Bridgeport bringing in over 100 costumes to give to children in need, and our annual Food and Coat drive was combined this year with our enthusiastic first and fourth grade students proudly delivering the coats and non-perishables directly to the Mercy Learning Center in Bridgeport. Thank you to all who contribute so generously to these meaningful drives to support our community.
The Gator Goods Committee offered merchandise at Founders’ Day, featuring new golf and mini umbrellas, and have moved toward BSN Sideline’s website, with greater accessibility for families and alumni to purchase spirit wear. Visit: Unquowa.org/gator-goods/
And the highlight of the season was The Social Committee’s friendraiser: The Ultimate Gator Dreamhouse BBQ Bash! Guests stepped into a transformed Unquowa gymnasium, a backyard party at the coolest house on the block. From gathering around the fire, to sharing stories at the picnic tables under twinkling lights, the evening captured the joy of friendship, community, and those true moments that make us feel at home. A heartfelt thank you to our amazing staff, parents, and friends who put in time and care to plan, set up, sell raffle tickets and take down the event; and to Kindred Spirits & Wine, A Pinch of Salt, Sound Coffee, Peacock Alley Cocktail Club, and Sweet P Bakery for the delicious treats and drinks that filled our bellies and warmed our hearts. This night was a beautiful reminder of the “unafraid spirit” that defines our community—the willingness to show up, collaborate, step outside our comfort zones, and build connections that truly make the world a better place.
Our deepest gratitude to all of our UPA members, chairs, and volunteers for all they do—the community we enjoy here at Unquowa is unparalleled, and we love fostering it with you.
– The Unquowa Parents Association
← Giving Tree at the UPA Auction